Welcome to Bill's Java Word Games!
I am working towards making this a project that includes some interesting word
games written in Java. I am writing them in a phased approach as I have the
time, so my approach is as follows:
- Create a "solver" for the Spelldown
game from games.yahoo.com. Done.
- Utilities for modifying the word list used by the games. Done.
- Create a "solver" for the Word Racer
(think Boggle) from games.yahoo.com. Done.
- Create a playable version of Spelldown. Done.
- Create a playable version of Word Racer. Done.
- Add other word games that I find interesting. One so far (Word Maker), more to come? Suggestions welcome.
A couple other things are required to use these games; a word list of
valid words (available in the
section) and the version 0.7 or greater jar from
Bill's Java Utilities,
which must be in added to your CLASSPATH or placed in the same directory
as the jwordgames.jar file.
Documentation on how to play the games can be found
For interested developers, javadoc can be found