
Before you can play any of the Java Word Games, you need to have a few other things set up.
  1. You must have either the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or the Java Development Kit (JDK) installed and working on your machine. Get version 1.3.1, it seems to fix a couple bugs I have encountered with text fields. This software can be found here .
  2. A word list file to use in searching for words. This can be found in the files section of this project.
  3. The jar file from the billutil project. You must have at least version 0.7. To simplify things, this may be renamed "billutil.jar" and placed in the same directory as the jwordgames.jar file.
  4. Optional - Add the jwordgames.jar and billutil.jar files to your classpath environment variable.

How to Start the Application

There are currently five graphical applications contained in the jwordgames.jar file, a master word game launcher, a word list editor, a solver and player for the Word Search (Spelldown) game, a solver and player for the Word Find (Word Racer) game, and a solver and player for the Word Maker game. These instructions assume you have the files named "jwordgames.jar" and "billutil.jar" in the same directory.

The Word List File

You must have a wordlist file to play the Word Search and Word find games. You can either create your own or you can download the one in this project's files section. If you get the download, you must unzip the file after you have downloaded it. Check the readme file for instructions on what to do with the files that were contained in the zip.

How to Play

Master Word Games Launcher

The master word games launcher application main interface looks like this: Word Master Launcher
This application is use to start up the other applications. Clicking on a button will cause that application to be started.

Word List Editor

The word list editor application main interface looks like this: Word Edit Interface
Unless you are creating a brand new word list, the first thing to do is specify a word list file to be used by the application. This is done with the File menu's "Open Word List File" menu item. A file selection dialog appears where you can choose the word list file to be used. Note that the four most recently used word list files will also appear in the File menu.

Words are entered in the text field supplied. The "Add Word" button will add the word to the current word list. The "Remove Word" button will remove the word from the current word list.

There are also a number of options under the "File" menu for manipulating word lists: Word Edit File Menu
The "Import Words from Text File" menu item allows the user to specify a text file with a list of words in it to be added to the current word list. The words must be seperated by white space and/or placed on their own line. After the file's words are imported, the user is notified of how many words were in the file and how many of those words were new ones that were added to the word list.

The "Remove Words in Text File" menu item is similar to the "Import Words from Text File" menu item, except it removes the words from the current word list rather than adding them.

The "Dump Words to File" menu item allows the user to write the words in the current word list to a text file. This is useful as the word list used by the application is stored in a binary format and is not readable.

Note that after the word list is saved, if a Word Search or Word Find application is running using that word list it must reload the word list to pick up the changes made to the list.

Word Search (Spelldown) Application

The first thing to do is specify a word list file to be used by the application. This is done with the File menu's "Open Word List File" menu item. A file selection dialog appears where you can choose the word list file to be used. Note that the four most recently used word list fileswill also appear in the File menu.


The "Solve" tab of the Word Search application looks like this: Word Search main window
First, open a word list file as described above. The Spelldown game will ask for one, two, or three words of three to seven letters each. In the word length fields, enter the number of characters for each word. If only one word is being found, enter the word's length in the "Word #1 Length" field, leaving the "Word #2 Length" and "Word #3 Length" fields blank. If two words are being found, enter the words' lengths in the "Word #1 Length" and "Word #2 Length" fields, leaving the "Word #3 Length" field blank. If three words are being found, use all the word length fields. In the "Letters" field enter the letters that are available to make the words. Once all the fields are properly filled in, press the "Perform Search" button. The application will now search its word list for a valid solution and display it to you. If no solution could be found, you will be notified of this as well.


The "Play" tab of the Word Search application initially looks like this: Word Search Solve

You must enter in the amount of time you want a game to last (this amount may change during game play as described below), then press the "Set Values" button.

After pressing the "Set Values" button, the application looks something like this: Word Search Play No Letters

When you are ready to play, press the "Play Game" button. The grid will be filled in with letters and look something like this: Word Search Play With Letters

The top row of 7s represents the words to be made. The letters on the bottom after the word 'Trash' represent the letters available to the player to make the word from. In the screen shot there are seven 7s, a set of four and a set of three. This means you must make a four letter word and a three letter word using the available letters. To create your words, either drag the letters from the available list to their place in the word line with the left mouse button, or right click on the available letters. If you are dragging you can put the letter wherever you wish. If you right click the letter will go in the first available 'empty' spot (IE the first 7, reading from left to right). If you drag an available letter to the 'Trash', it is discarded and replaced with a random new letter. This is useful if you cannot make the requested words with the available letters. When you have made the requested word(s) press the "Done" button. If the word(s) you made are valid, a new set of words and available letters will be created and your time left will be incremented by 10 seconds. If an invalid word (or words) were made an error message pops up and you have to fix the bad word(s).

You can also drag letters from the words back to the available letters. Right clicking on a letter in a word also returns it to the available letters list.

The game is over when the time left reaches 0.

Word Find (Word Racer) Application

The first thing to do is specify a word list file to be used by the application. This is done with the File menu's "Open Word List File" menu item. A file selection dialog appears where you can choose the word list file to be used. Note that the four most recently used word list files will also appear in the File menu.

The Word Racer game has a 'u' on the 'Q' cube, making it a 'Qu' cube. When entering this cube, just enter the Q, the program will assume the 'u' and use 'Qu' when making its words.


The "Solve" tab of the Word Find application initially looks like this: Word Find Solve, No Puzzle
You must enter values in each of the text fields, then press the "Set Values" button. The grid width is the number of letters wide the grid is. The grid height is the number of letters tall the grid is. The minimum word length is the shortest words we want to search for (3 is the minimum value). Maximum word length is the longest words we want to search for. Note that searching for words more than 10 characters long can slow the search process down quite a bit.
After pressing "Set Values" the application looks something like this: Word Find Solve With Puzzle
You can now enter the letters in the grid on the right and press "Find Words" to perform the search. The "Clear" button clears out the grid. If you want to enter a new grid size or change the word lengths, make sure to press the "Set Values" button again after entering the data.


The "Play" tab of the Word Find application initially looks like this: Word Find play, no puzzle

You must enter values in each of the text fields, then press the "Set Values"button. The grid width is the number of letters wide the grid will be. The grid height is the number of letters tall the grid will be. The minimum word length is the minimum number of characters long words must be to be accepted (3 is the smallest acceptable value). The game time is the number of seconds the game will last (30 is the smallest acceptable value).

After pressing the "Set Values" button, the application looks something like this: Word Find play, puzzle with no letters

When you are ready to play, press the "Play Game" button. The grid will be filled in with letters and look something like this: Word Find play, puzzle with letters

In the text field at the bottom where is says "Words:" type in the words you see. After each word hit enter and the word you typed will be displayed in the list on the right. If the word is green this means it is a valid word. If it is red than the word is not a valid word. If the word is blue, than the word cannot actually be formed using the available letters. If the word is black, than it is contains less than the indicated minimum nember of letters.

When time has expire the "Solve" button can be pressed to see a list of all the words that were contained in the puzzle grid.

Word Maker Application

This is a game where you are given a list of letters and you try to make as many words as you can using those letters. For example, given the letters ACBDE, you can make the words ace, aced, bad, bead, etc.

The first thing to do is specify a word list file to be used by the application. This is done with the File menu's "Open Word List File" menu item. A file selection dialog appears where you can choose the word list file to be used. Note that the four most recently used word list files will also appear in the File menu.


The "Solve" tab of the Word Find application initially looks like this: Word Maker Solve

You must enter values in each of the text fields, then press the "Perform Search" button. The minimum word length is the shortest words we want to search for (3 is the minimum value). The letters is the list of letters to make the words out of. Once all the fields are properly filled in, press the "Perform Search" button. The application will now search its word list and display all the words it finds to the user.


You must enter values in each of the text fields, then press the "Set Values" button. The number of letters is the number of letters that are available to make words from. The minimum word length is the shortest words we want to search for (3 is the minimum value). The game time is the number of seconds the game will last (30 is the smallest acceptable value).

After pressing the "Set Values" button, the application looks something like this: Word Maker Play No Puzzle
When you are ready to play, press the "Play Game" button. The letters to play with will be filled in and the game will look something like this: Word Maker Play With Letters
In the text field at the bottom where is says "Words:" type in the words you see. After each word hit enter and the word you typed will be displayed in the list on the right. If the word is green this means it is a valid word. If it is red than the word is not a valid word. If the word is blue, than the word cannot actually be formed using the available letters. If the word is black, than it is contains less than the indicated minimum nember of letters.

When time has expire the "Solve" button can be pressed to see a list of all the words that were contained in the puzzle grid.